April 18, 2024

Anna Ling - The navigator

OBRA in collaboration with JAKOBSSON PUSTERLA is pleased to announce The Navigator, a new exhibition by Anna Ling (b. 1971 in Gothenburg, Sweden).

The exhibition consists of a new series of drawings inspired by nautical charts used to navigate around the island of Tjörn on the Swedish west coast, where she spent most of her childhood.

Anna has produced a number of works drawing on her early years on the island as a source for her visual explorations of memory and the act of seeing.

Her playful, feminine reflections on the relationship between technique and remembrance propose a strangely precise and delicate charm –characteristic of Ling’s work–, a clarity of sorts that she describes herself as an attempt to simultaneously navigate both in the memory and in the now.

ARTIST TALK 8/5 at 5 p.m.

January 8, 2024

Modern office in old buildning

On behalf of our client Stadsrum we have designed a complete remodel of an office space measuring 300m2 i Lund city center. A small courtyard flanked by cluster of buildings of different construction years is a hidden gem for tenants to glance into. We wish Consid a happy stay in their new office!

December 12, 2023

Sockergränden wins the Urban Design Award of Landskrona 2023!

We are happy to announce that Sockergränden gets awarded with the Urban Design Award of Landskrona 2023!

November 30, 2023

Sweden Green Building Award 2023

Aldeles färsk nyhet! LSS byggnaden på Sockergränden i Landskrona vinner som Årets Miljöbyggnad!

Sockergränden är Emrahus första projekt på hemmaplan och ambitionen från start var att det skulle bli företagets flaggskepp.
Vi har arbetat med Emrahus för att utforma ett kvarter med 13 lägenheter och 4 radhus i 2 och 3 plan. Stor omsorg har vi lagt till gestalning, materialval och miljöaspekter.
LSS boendet är certifierat både som passivhus, enligt den internationella standarden, och Miljöbyggnad Guld. Huset prisades tidigare i år som Årets Bygge 2023 i kategorin samhällsfastigheter, utdelat av Byggindustrin.

October 17, 2023

Grand Opening for Culise!

Opening party at 'Culise', the new restaurant at Helsingborg City Theatre had 700 guests!

The Helsingborg city theatre has for a period of time missed a restaurant in the building. Further back this address hosted e.g. the legendary Teaterkatten. Finally a new restaurant has entered the scene: Culise!

During spring 2023 Jakobsson Pusterla got the commission to design all of the interiors for the restaurant, after input by the team behind Culise. Since then we have developed the project in close cooperation with the team. The restaurant has an air of metropolitan brasserie, inspired by the world of the theatres. The restaurant is well worth a visit not only for its fantastic food. It is a “total experience” you shouldn’t miss.

October 13, 2023

ArchFilmLund 2023

We are proud to have been sponsor of the 2023 edition of ArchFilmLund! This weekend har been brimming with architecture related films. We started of with 'Sovjet Bus Stops', screening at Kino cinema, and continued with a number of interesting films along with a debate at Grand Hotel, Lund. At saturday evening we hosted a student exhibition created by architecture students at LTH and finished of the festival with a big party including facade projections here at Studio Bantorget!

August 15, 2023

Site visit at NP Nilsson i Förslöv

Soon, one more project is completed on behalf of NP Nilsson! Jakobsson + Pusterla went for at site visit and we are happy to see a new head office and warehouse turning out nicely.

June 30, 2023

New warehouse: NP Nilsson in Halmstad

NP Nilsson in Halmstad is now finalized and ready to welcome new costumers

More info about the project here

June 15, 2023

CURI&US is the winner of STUD23!

We are happy announce that we, together with Lundabostäder won competition STUD23 with our proposal CURI&US!

Read more about CURI&US here

Lund kommun press release here

May 23, 2023

Presentation of project Aspen Strand

Marco Pusterla and Jesus Mateo presented the project 'Aspen Strand' at an a open meeting organized by the municipality of Lerum. After more than 10 years our Europan 10-winning proposal is beeing developed into a new zooning plan allowing new development of 550 apartments and a preschool on a site with beautiful scenery.

We were very happy to be part of the dialouge together with representants of Lerum municipality, HSB and Skanska in a room full of enthusiastic citizens!

(foto Mattias Jansson, Lerums kommun)

Read more about Aspen Strand here

March 28, 2023

Sockergränden LSS gets awarded

Sockergränden LSS recieved the recognition "Årets Bygge 2023", in the category "community property"

Read article (in swedish)

March 20, 2023

Architecture between Italy and Sweden

Essere architetti in Svezia e in Italia: quali le differenze di metodi, pratiche e materiali utilizzati?

Sarà questo il tema della discussione, organizzata dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura e ITA - Italian Trade Agency, a chiusura della mostra “Buone nuove. Women Changing Architecture”.

Interverranno Emanuele Stamuli (Stamuli AB Stockholm), Malin Belfrage ed Elena Kanevsky (White Arkitekter Stockholm), Marco Pusterla (Jakobsson Pusterla), Matteo Tognolina (Carlstedt Ark), Michela Barone Lumaga e Lovisa Linström (Alta Architecture). Modererà Leo Gullbring.

More info: Link

January 18, 2023

Vernissage Olof Kolte

Jakobsson Pusterla och Studio Bantorget gästas av Olof Kolte som kommer att presentera sitt arbete med utställningen "mot en cyklisk framtid".
Utställningen visar resultatet av ett samarbete mellan Varalövs Tunnfabrik och designern, läraren och forskaren Olof Kolte på Lunds universitet.

De produkter som visas är WOODEN TRESTLE, WOODEN STOOL, STEP UP STOOL (en del av Skånsk Museikollektion) WOODEN BENCH och WOODEN TRESTLE MINI, WOODENTABLE och är ett projekt med utgångspunkt i ”upcycling” av virke som annars skulle ha slängts bort.

Fredag den 27 Januari. Vi öppnar dörrarna kl 17. Föredraget startar kl 17:30.

Kom och prata om hållbar design med en profil som lever som han lär!

December 13, 2022

Lägerplatsen wins Architecture prize!

We are honoured to announce that Lägerplatsen recieved the recognition Landskrona Architecture Prize of 2022.

December 1, 2022

NP Nilsson i Halmstad på gång

We have helped NP Nilsson creating a new hardware store in Halmstad. Sustanibility has been key word in our design process. Framework as well as cladding of the two story building are entirely wood-based. We have collected store, drive-through and exhibition rooms with double ceiling height in one building of 4400m2 floor space.

November 30, 2022

Do you love bricks?

Tomas Gustavsson arbetar som konstruktör med egen verksamhet och har tidigare varit forskningsigenjör på LTH. Han är författare till flera böcker om murverkskonstruktioner och håller på att färdigställa en ny bok om tegel och murningshantverket. Tomas kommer att hålla ett föredrag för alla som är intresserade av ämnet.

Vi bjuder på lite snacks och ngt att dricka.
Onsdag 30 November 2022.
Vi öppnar dörrarna 17:30. Föredraget startar kl 18.00

Anmälan skickas till tegel@jakobssonpusterla.com
(obs! begränsat antal platser, anmälan krävs) FÖREDRAGET ÄR FULLBOKAT. Eventuella nya anmälningar sparar vi i en reservlista.

May 17, 2022

New office space

We would like to thank everyone who had the opportunity to visit us during the inauguration of our new office in Lund. We also seize the opportunity to welcome you who have not visited us yet. Come in, have an espresso and a chat about architecture. You will find us at Bantorget 4 as before but now in airy lovely premises at street level.

February 10, 2022

Ta steget - sök jobb hos oss

UPDATE 17/5: a new enployee is going to start soon. The vacancy is not available anymore. Thank you all who has applyed!

Jakobsson Pusterla is young and dynamic architectural practice, mixing Scandinavian pragmatism with European flair. We have offices in Lund and Helsingborg and work with a broad portfolio including residential, offices, retail and interiors.

With every completed project and each new one in the pipeline, our work gets more interesting, and we grow and improve our creative and professional skills. In response to increasing demand, we are growing insize too, and we are looking for new collaborators who want to grow with us.

You might be an architect with several years of practice looking for new challenges and responsibilities or perhaps you are newly qualified but already have previous work experience.

Take the step: job@jakobssonpusterla.com

November 1, 2021

New colleague

We are really pleased to welcome Joanna in our team!

With more than ten years of experience in housing projects, offices and educational buildings she will be a strong addition to our group.

Welcome Joanna!

July 26, 2021

Do you want to work with us?

UPDATE 2021.09.13:
A new employee will soon start at our office. We are complete for the moment but we will reconsider all the applications in case of future needs. We are thankful for the numerous applications we have received.

Älskar du arkitektyrket?
Har du erfarenhet?
Kan du jobba?

Vi är JAKOBSSON PUSTERLA, ett arkitektkontor med bas i Lund och Helsingborg. Främst sysslar vi med bostäder, handel och stadsplanering. Vår ambition är att vara bland de bästa arkitektkontoren i regionen och vi är på rätt väg. Men vi har för mycket att göra. Därför söker vi dig…

…som är yngre men har arbetat ett antal år som arkitekt. Kanske har du erfarenhet av tidiga skeden, kanske har du ägnat dig åt projektering. I vilket fall har du en stark känsla för hur form, funktion och konstruktion hänger samman, ner på detaljnivå. Du gillar ditt jobb men vill ta nästa steg i din utveckling. Då är du rätt person för oss. Hör av dig till: job@jakobssonpusterla.com